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NSP2096 Reusable pediatric silicone finger SpO2 sensor

NSP2096 Reusable pediatric silicone finger SpO2 sensor zoom
  • SpO2 sensor designed to provide stable and accurate readings when used with the specific pulse oximeter.

  • Patient


  • Application


  • Length


  • Brand & Model(s)

    Philips Hewlett Packard 862108, 862231, 862439, 862474 Monitor C3, 862478 Monitor C3, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266, M1020A SpO2 module, M1020B, M1350B, M1350C, M2600A, M2703A, M2705A, M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3535A, M3536A, M3536J, M3536M, M4735A, M4739A, M4841A, M4851A, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AT, MMS X2 IntelliVue, MP20 IntelliVue, MP20 Junior IntelliVue, MP30 IntelliVue, MP40 IntelliVue, MP50 IntelliVue, MP60 IntelliVue, MP70 IntelliVue, MP90 IntelliVue, SureSigns VM4, SureSigns VM6, SureSigns VM8

  • Note: see extension cables available


  • NE2065 Reusable Extension Cable

    Brand & Model(s)
    Philips Hewlett Packard 862108, 862231, 862439, 862474 Monitor C3, 862475, 863063, 863064, 863065, 863066, 863068, 863071, 863072, 863073, 863074, 863077, 863080, 863081, 863085, 863086, 863087, 863088, 863264, 863265, 863266, M1020A SpO2 module, M1020B, M1350B, M1350C, M2600A, M2601A Telemetry, M2703A, M2705A, M3000A, M3001A, M3002A, M3046A Viridia M3, M3046A Viridia M4, M3535A, M3536A, M3536J, M3536M, M4735A, M4739A, M4841A, M4851A, M8102A, M8105A, M8105AT, MP20 IntelliVue, MP20 Junior...
    OEM Reference(s)
    Philips Hewlett Packard M1941A